Crafting Unforgettable Events & Experiences
That Move Hearts, Inspire Minds and Deliver Results.

Creative, dynamic and engaging are just a few adjectives that describe Jeff when you first meet him. Originally from Wisconsin, Jeff has more than 16 years of global destination management experience at the senior management level, and has a passion for destination sourcing and event management.

‘Intentionality’ is at the forefront of the Blue Monarch Events brand and so is our approach to being your strategic meeting and events partner. Just as the Blue Monarch's delicate wings inspire awe, our events leave a lasting impression, captivating audiences and transforming visions into unforgettable realities. Crafting the blueprint for perfection around global event sourcing, planning and management, not only differentiates our unique approach with our clients, but allows our events to stand out amidst a sea of ordinary. Sophistication without intimidation…it’s the Blue Monarch way.

Luxury of Experience